Class XI

Class Task 24/1/2017

Design the Poster for kalachakra 2018 in Photoshop

Class Task 23/1/2017

Open the Word Document and answer the following question in it.

1. What is Kalachakra
2. Number of Kalachara held till date?
3. How many times kalachara held in BhodGaya?
4. What is next 2 Dalai lama Schedule after Kalachakra Ceremony?
5. Where is Syria located and describe its winter condition.

6 Show the route taken by Syrian refugee to enter in Europe 

Class Task 16-11-2016

Design the Poster for Inter-House Badminton Tournament for the School.  

Image size should be 10 inches in width and 12 inches in height.

Class Task 31-10-2016

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop 7

Select the particular character  and use wooden picture as background of the picture in Adobe Photoshop 7

Class Task 26-10-2016

Make folder in local disk with your name and with three sub folder with name picture, music, and web. Save image of one singer from internet into picture folder. Save three web page from internet into web folder with suitable name. Find lyrics of a song and copy it into doc file and save it in music folder.

  Class Task

Please make following Smart Art in PowerPoint

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