Class VII




Scratch is a simple environment designed by the Kindergarden Lifelong Learning Group at MIT to introduce some basic programming concepts in a fun and interactive manner. In Scratch, sprites (objects) are manipulated on the stage (background) using various scripts (small program segments). Each sprite has its own set of scripts to control its behaviors and how it interacts with other sprites and events. Programming consists of snapping together individual blocks of preexisting actions to create a script. A program can be as simple as a single block or consist of multiple blocks stacked together that will run as a unit. 

To start Scratch, click on ‘Start’ > ‘All Programs’ > ‘Scratch

The Stage
 This is where your Scratch Programs run. It has • One or more backgrounds (images on the background of the screen) • Any code blocks associated with it (we’ll get to this)

Any object that goes on the stage is a sprite. In Scratch, the sprite is: • The image on the stage • Any alternative Five costumes (looks) it has • Any sounds associated with it • Any code blocks associated with it The current sprite is the one that’s selected in the sprite list.

Code Blocks
 Code in Scratch comes as blocks, that you click together to make programs. You choose blocks from the code blocks pale8e and drag them into the current sprite panel, then click them together. There are 10 categories of blocks, which are colour coded, and you can select each category from the list at the top of the code blocks pale8e.






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The small labelled picture or symbols present on the desktop are called Icons. These Icons are used to open the specific programs or documents.

Opening a Program
Click on the Icon, which you want to select and press the enter key. The application window will open
Double click the left mouse button on the icon to open it.

Arranging the Desktop Icons

As you arrange your study desk to make it tidy, similarly you can arrange the icons on the desktop to give it better look to do this.
* Right click on the blank area of desktop 
* you will find the list of option
* Click on the Auto Arrange Icons option from sub menu
* Observe the change

Sorting the Icons

Sorting the desktop items means arranging them in a proper sequence
* Right click on the blank area of the desktop
* A Shortcut menu appears
* Point to the sort by option and click on the Name sub option 
* The icon will be arranged in an alphabetical order.

Changing the desktop background

You can change the appearance of desktop according to you choice
* Right click anywhere on the desktop
* You will find the list of options. This is called Shortcut Menu
* Select the Personalize option
* The Personalization dialog box will appear.
* Click on Desktop Background
* Select any background from the displayed list
* Preview of the select background will appear on the monitor
* After selecting the background , click on save changes button and close the dialog box

Changing the Screen Saver

The Screen Saver is an image, which pops up on the computer screen whenever a computer remains idle for short time. By pressing any key, you can get back to the normal screen again. Follow the given step to change screen saver

* Right-click the desktop and choose Personalize. The Personalization window appears.
*Click the Screen Saver button. The Screen Saver Settings dialog box appears
*From the Screen Saver drop-down list, choose a screen saver. 
* Use the arrows in the Wait xx Minutes text box to set the number of inactivity minutes to determine how long Windows 7 waits before displaying the screen saver.
*Click the Preview button to preview your screen saver of choice.
*Click to stop the preview, click OK, and then click the Close button.

Shut Down Your Computer 
To Shut down you system, follow the given steps
* Click on the start button
* Now Select the Shut Down Button
* The system will take a few seconds to shut down.


A shortcut is an icon that provides an easy and quick way to open any application or software that we use frequently. the lower left corner of the shortcut icon has a small jump arrow. double-clicking on the shortcut icon will open the file or program it represents.

Creating a shortcut icon for Microsoft word

* Click on start button and select all programs. Place the cursor on Microsoft Office Word 2007 from Microsoft Office folder.
* Right click on the Microsoft Office Word 2007 program. A pop up menu appears. Select Sent to Option. You will find another cascading menu. Now, click on Desktop(create shortcut) option.
* A shortcut of Microsoft Word appears on the desktop with the jump arrow in the lower left corner
*Double click on the shortcut icon to open the application directly.

Control Panel (Windows) The Control Panel is a part of the Microsoft Windows, in older versions, which allows users to view and manipulate basic system settings and controls via applets, such as adding hardware, adding and removing software and  controlling user accounts etc

Putting Your computer in Sleep Mode
Sleep is power saving state allows a computer to quickly resume full- power resume full-power operation when you start working again. It put our work and setting in memory and draws a small amount of power. 

the Characters used in typing the text use the same design are called Fonts. font setting are used to change the display of the text on the screen and the printed text. you can use font setting in control panel to view, add new fonts, delete existing fonts. 

to add new fonts, follow the given procedure
* select the font that you add  and drag it to the fonts folder in control panel. font will be added in the list of existing fonts.

to delete the existing font

* Select the font you want to delete.
* Click on the delete button present above the font thumbnails

Creating a Folder
-      Click the right mouse button once in the blank area of the desktop. A pop up menu appears.
-      Select the New option. A new sub option appears.
-      Click on the folder option, A new folder will be created and displayed on the desktop
-      Type the name of the folder at cursor postion and press the Enter key
-      A new folder is created.

Opening the Folder
To open a file or folder, simple move the pointer to that file and folder and double click on it. The file / Folder will open and you can view its contents

 Renaming the Folder or File
-      Right click on particular file and folder to rename
-      Select the rename option
-      Type the new name for file and folder
-      Press the Enter key

Extra large and large Icons
They display gigantic and large icons of the files and folder. These two can be very useful when working with image and video fileMedium icons
It displays the files and folder as medium sized icons. Giving you’re a better idea of the file content

Small Icons
It displays your files and folders as small icons without a preview  its content. The file name display next the icon.

List view display the contents as a list of files or folders name preceded by small icons. The view is useful if your folder contains many files and you want to scan the list for a filename. You can sort files and folder in this view

Details view provides detailed information about your files and folder, including name, type, size and modified.

It display files and folders as medium sized icons. It also display the basic information of the file present, such as its size and type.

It displays each file and folder on a separate row along with their detailed information like date modified , size, author etc

Onscreen Keyboard

An on-screen keyboard that is used with a mouse. An accessibility option for people with impairments, the keys is pressed by pointing to the key on screen and clicking the mouse. 

Open On-Screen Keyboard by clicking the Start button 
The Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, click Ease of Access, and then click On-Screen Keyboard.

To make items on the screen appear bigger
1.   Open Magnifier by clicking the Start button The Start button , clicking All Programs, click Accessories, click Ease of Access, and then click Magnifier.
2.   On the Views menu, click the mode that you want to use.Move the pointer to the part of the screen that you want to magnify.



 Narrator is a light-duty screen reader utility included in Microsoft Windows. Narrator reads dialog boxes and window controls in a number of the more basic applications for Windows. the utility made the Windows operating system more accessible for blind and visually impaired users.

Open Narrator by clicking the Start button The Start button , click All Programs, click Accessories, click Ease of Access, and then click Narrator

Setting the date and time in Windows Vista and 7

1.   Press Windows key + D or navigate to the Windows desktop.
2.   In the lower right-hand corner of the screen, click or tap the notification area where you see the time and date.
3.   Select Change date and time settings... in the bottom of the window that appears (shown below).
4.     In the Date and Time window, under the Date and Time tab, click the Change date and time... button.
5.     Make your adjustments and click OK.
6.     Click OK on the Date and Time window to save the changes.

Working with Windows

Computer is a machine which cannot think of its won and requires instruction from you. The most important program of a computer is Operating System. It is medium through which you can interact with hardware, using software. It controls all the activities of a computer. There are various types of operating system such as Windows, Linux, Unix etc

Window is graphical User Interface between a computer and its user.

Features of Window

The first version of windows operating system was window 95, since than many version windows have been released. The most popular windows are window 98, window 200, window ME, window xp, window vista, window 7 , window 8 and window 19 is the latest version.

Window is attractive and easy to use
Searching made easier
Window Supports multitasking

          Desktop  - When you switch on a computer, window starts automatically and displays a welcome message. It is followed by the first screen of Windows, Known as Desktop. IT contains some graphics or symbols known as Icons.

the word Desktop is derived from the real life desktop (the top of our working/ study table) where you find pen stand, notepad, calculator, files etc.  the  desktop of the window also serves the same purpose . We can find various icons like objects, shortcuts icons, document icons, disk drive icons etc.

Window Explorer

Window Explorer is an application that provided detailed information about files and folders and drives. You can use it to see how your files are organized and can copy, move, rename and search for files and folders.

open window explorer
-> click on the start button-> All Programs -> Accessories and then click on Window Explorer or
click on start button and select computer option from the right pane.

Deleting a File and Folder
To delete a file / folder, follow the given steps.
-> Right Click on the file/Folder that you want to delete
-> Select the delete option from drop down option 
-> A message box appears on the screen asking for the confirmation to delete the fine
-> Select yes to confirm
-> you will find that the selected file/folder has been deleted

Restoring a file and folder
To restore a deleted file from the recycle bin 
-> Open the recycle bin folder
-> Right-click on a file and select restore option.
-> the file name didappear from the 'Recycle bin' window and gets restored at its orginal location.
-> you can also click on restore all items button at the top,to restore all the files to theie original place .make sure that no files are slelected.
-> similary, you can click on empty the recycle bin buttin to delete all the files permanently.

The Taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen. Start button is present on its left side and notification area on it right side. This contains the clock and icons for programs which usually run in the background. Whenever you run a program, It’s button is automatically placed on the taskbar. You can activate the application window by clicking on its button present on the taskbar,

The start Button
This is probably the most used button on the window s desktop. When you click on the start button, a menu displaying the major options appears. These provide access to the main programs on the computer.


Using Computer folder, you can access all the folder and files stored in a computer. It is useful for finding , organizing , moving and copying files in a computer 

Class Task 21.10.2016

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